Squirrel Lake Crossing Proposal

“Neighbors!  We had attempted to reach out to find out about a crosswalk from Thornblade to Squirrel Lake park. We didn’t get much traction, however one of our amazing neighbors came to the rescue and because of his experience with city and town red tape found there are already plans for one!  We just need to sign a petition to allow for them to pay for it and not the neighbors! …

Matt G. will be coming around in the next couple months and Nancy and Debra will be doing the same in Thornblade Hills!”

Deana Reel – Thornblade

Town of Matthews illustration of

Squirrel Lake Park Crossing.

We need Everyone’s help to sign the petition and make this happen!  It deffinitely will aid in the safety of children and adults when trying to cross to Squirrel Lake Park.

Examples of already installed crossing.

New Report
